Patient Words/Success Stories...
When I first walked into her Laura’s office, I just knew we were where we needed to be. There was such a sense of peace and calm when we got there. I actually first brought my little 4 yr old dachshund, Sydney, to see Laura. Sydney’s labs showed she had Lymes disease and was in kidney failure and her prognosis was grave. Through Laura’s amazing care Sydney was with us for an additional 14 months after her diagnosis! And her quality of life was amazing.
Words cannot begin to describe how Laura’s care has changed my world, beyond what she did for my Sydney. I am a 61 years old woman who struggles with anxiety, depression, stress, loneliness, arthritis, migraines, etc like so many others. I am always so interested what my scan is going to reveal-they are so spot on. Getting to really know my body and listen to what is going on and acting on those things, is amazing! Thanks to my time with Laura and the amazing service she provides I am beginning to feel emotionally and physically like I have never felt before! She is one of my angels on earth! To have Laura as part of my health care team has really given me a lot of joy and excitement!
Make an appointment with Laura at Natural Health and Allergy - you will not be disappointed! ~Karen
NSRT has had a life changing effect on my allergies and my ability to live a normal life. Not only has this impacted my allergies positively, but it has also been a game changer for my narcolepsy. I have energy even after a long day of work. My overall health has improved drastically. I am so glad I gave NSRT a chance and I will never look further if my allergies do get worse then Laura's services. Thank you Laura for being the beautiful human you are and providing me with a life-time of relief. ~Hanna
I am now done with my treatments and I haven't had a UC flare since. I'm amazed. Though I was skeptical at first, I'm glad I did it. It's one of the best decisions I've made for my health. I'm so thankful for Laura and her NSRT.
To those who are skeptical, as I was, I'm telling you I recommend it 100%. ~Morgan
Laura is an amazing and caring person. Neurological stress reduction therapy has changed my life! I feel better than I've felt in years. My chronic pain is much better than any pill I've tried. I had been to many drs over the years to seek help for my pain and other symptoms. This therapy has helped me more than anything I've been prescribed over the years and its all natural! I highly recommend Natural Health and Allergy. ~Liz
Patient Success Stories!
I analyzed Shannon via the Qi5 and found she had sensitivity/allergy to FLUORIDE! She has been using it in her toothpaste, swishing with oral liquid and having it painted on her teeth at her dentist. She is now off fluoride and she is on top of the world. She tells everyone she encounters. She has never felt so "amazing"!
I had a lady come in that had cancer removed from her head in Nov. 2020. She saw me in Mar. 2021 as the wound wasn't healing. I lasered the area with a few different codes and by her second visit the wound was over 75% healed.

This little guy couldn't be happier after his therapy for ear infection, food and seasonal allergies.

I personally suffered with a Hiatal Hernia for over 10+ years. I had severe abdominal pain, lots of belching and pure misery during an episode. I would get episodes about twice a month. If it happened near bed time I would be up all night suffering as the pain was too bad to lie down. When I received the laser I used the H. Hernia frequency code for a total of 8 minutes. IT WAS GONE!!! I've not had an episode in over 2 years!
M.W. had pain in her diaphragm area. She had been to the ER a few times and had been referred to GI. GI did a CT scan, Colonoscopy and Endoscopy with several biopsies. All her tests showed nothing, however the doctor sent her a script to the pharmacy. Finding this odd she went to pick it up and found out it was an antidepressant. He was basically telling her it was all in her head. We scanned her using the QI-5 and found that she is full of parasites! Had she not found Natural Health and Allergy she would have taken an unnecessary drug and still had all her symptoms. With the therapy she is on she is releasing parasites daily, her pain is decreasing and her color is back!
T.K. came in because he was having stomach issues every time he drank coffee. He and his wife like to sit in the mornings and drink coffee together and he started to not feel well after so we connected him to the QI-5 and scanned him for beverages and coffee wasn't an issue so we dug deeper and checked for insects as ground coffee can have a percent of cockroaches in it. Sure enough he had an allergy/sensitivity to cockroaches! We lasered him a few times for insects and he can now drink coffee with his wife with no more discomfort.
S.K.'s came in with multiple symptoms which included abdominal pain, constipation, red itchy skin and more. As we talked she stated she was in Africa 20 years ago and had gotten ill while she was there. We scanned her using the QI-5 and found parasites, fungus, and bacteria. Once we started the parasite cleanse she was expelling them through her nose, mouth and stool.

I had a 2 year old girl with Mollescum Contagiosum. It is a viral skin infection that results in round, firm, painless bumps. I used the virus frequency with the laser and hooked her up to the QI-5 with the virus protocol and it was disappearing within 2 visits. Mom stated that her older two children had it when they were young and it lasted two years! She was amazed at the progress and how fast they cleared up.